Brain Teasers

The First Animal You See Reveals Your Personality

Look at the image below and identify the animal you see first before reading on.

Personality, as described by the American Psychological Association (APA), is the way you think, feel, and behave in certain situations. Your personality comprises of your attitude, intelligence, and the way you view the world around you.

So when something draws your attention, it usually means that you relate to that thing subconsciously even when you don’t know it. That detail that your brain focused on will tell what kind of personality you have.

From the image above, identify the first animal you spotted and see if it matches your personality.

1. Giraffe

If you saw the giraffe first, you are a humble person who is rooted to the ground but your thoughts can take you as far as they could. You have great aspirations and goals to be a successful person. You don’t like involving yourself in gossip and unimportant things as you focus more on improving yourself to be a better person.

2. Lion

If you noticed the lion first, then you are a natural-born leader. You are brave, fierce, and never give up on the challenges of life. You are independent and believe in yourself that you are a strong person, which can sometimes intimidate people around you. But the people who love you also know that you are sensitive, empathetic, and care about those close to your heart.

3. Camel

If you saw the camel first, you are a hardworking person that has survived a lot of hurdles in your life. You are grateful for those challenges as you believe it only makes you stronger and smarter. You fight for your rights and freedom and do not let anyone take advantage of you.

4. Elephant

If you saw the elephant first, you are confident and comfortable with yourself. You have a great focus on your goals and do not easily get affected by other people’s opinions about you. However, you can also go a great mile when someone tries to cross you and you don’t easily let it pass. On the other side, you can also be a fun and playful person when you’re surrounded by people you trust.

5. Hog

If you saw the hog first, you have a sharp mind and incredible brilliance. You are resourceful and can be driven by your fierceness and tenacity. You are a survivor but often have self-doubts, but even you don’t let those doubts drag you down. You are true to yourself and do not feel the need to conform to societal standards.

6. Horse

If you spotted the horse first, you have a very high spirit – living your life wild and free. You enjoy your independence and are not comfortable with activities that don’t get your blood running. You definitely know how to protect your loved ones as well as stand up for yourself when the situation calls for it.

7. Bear

If you saw the bear first, you have a strong personality and charisma that may intimidate your peers. You can also be warm, playful, and powerful. You value your relationships and rather have a long-term commitment with someone than a short-term fling.

8. Hound

If you saw the hound first, you are a warm and loving person who is loyal to your friends and family. You love helping people without asking for something in return and that’s what makes people love you even more. Your measure of success is happiness and fulfillment from your relationships.

Which animal corresponds to your personality? Let your friends know by sharing this article and have them take this test, too!